=> Take the base URL and (in the address bar of your browser) append : /wp-admin
=> Then the following screen will appear:
Once you are logged in the following screen will appear: (note with the latest version of WordPress the appearance is slightly different)
Note: Since I have developed your site, the main welcome screen has been customized!
By default WordPress has 2 distinct types of content:
PAGES => “independent “ pieces of content that are not grouped by taxonomy (category).
POSTS => pieces of content that are grouped and sorted by category
To create a post:
=> Posts
=> New
Then this screen will appear:
Above you will see regions to populate the following information:
- Title
- Main body content
- Content excerpt
- Publish date
- Category membership
Further down you will see more options:
(In the lower right region)
- Post template assignment (this is an expansion of the default functionality)
- Featured image assignment (an image that is seen when the post is displayed in excerpted form)
Some notes about using the WYSIWYG interface:
1)Using the styling provided for by the theme’s typography rules will ensure continuity throughout the site, and will make it possible to make universal changes throughout the site. Therefore it is better practice to use the “styles” drop down controls than the WYSIWYG tools in most cases
2)While it is possible to copy and paste a document directly from WORD, this is not good practice. Microsoft software has a tendency to insert unwanted and conflicting styling commands into the page’s code – as of WordPress 3.9 the styling from external word processors will be largely “cleansed” however it is still best practice to drop pasted content into the “text” tab rather than the “visual” tab
The page editing interface:
The main differences are:
=> While pages can be attached to a “parent” page, pages are exposed to categorization per se
=> Pages do not have excerpts
=> Pages do not have featured images (by default)
Posts can be sorted much more efficiently via the category filter:
Select a category, click on the filter “button” and a segregated group of posts (which belong to the specified category) will be presented.
Categories are defined via:
=> Posts
=> Categories
=> New
Categories can be set up to have hierarchical relationships: