Winnetka-Northfield-Glencoe Chamber of Commerce

Winnetka-Northfield-Glencoe Chamber of Commerce
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A Ribbon Cutting is held by the WNCC for Classic Kids Photography

The Winnetka-Northfield Chamber of Commerce celebrated with a ribbon cutting and champagne reception on Thursday, April 19 to experience the redesign and remodel of the Classic Kids Photography studio of Winnetka at 566 Chestnut St., Winnetka, IL.

For more information or to book a sitting, call Classic Kids Photography at (847)446-2064 or visit

Photo (left to right): Lisa Johnson (Nels Johnson Tree Experts & Classic Kids), Sara Reid (Classic Kids), Peter Hansen (Winnetka Current), Monica Wandrey (Classic Kids), Maggie Gryglak (Classic Kids), Crystal Campos (Classic Kids), Tucker Floyd, Julie Floyd (Founder, Classic Kids), Jessica Correa (Classic Kids), Varouj Kokuzian (Vlab & Besotted Lab), Natalie Hartung (Classic Kids), Kelsey Raftery (Winnetka Park District), Terry Dason (Executive Director, Winnetka-Northfield Chamber of Commerce).