Message from the 2023/2024 President – Bill Leske

As we enter the Chamber’s second century, I’m thrilled to see all the exciting things happening in the three business communities the Winnetka-Northfield-Glencoe Chamber of Commerce serves. Our mission statement, “Thriving Businesses, Vibrant Communities” is what it strives so hard to achieve.
While each business community has a different feel, they all come together in so many ways. From Glencoe to Northfield, Indian Hill to Hubbard Woods, East Elm, and West Elm, the Winnetka-Northfield-Glencoe Chamber of Commerce is there to help bring businesses exposure and assistance through its programs, events and initiatives.
We are so fortunate to have some of the best restaurants, coffee shops, retail stores and service providers anywhere… right here in our community!
Our business community is supported by the three Village governments, businesses, residents who “shop local” and those who come from out of the area to visit our unique business districts. Our park districts, libraries and schools are second to none. They are truly the gem of the North Shore.
Among the area’s many attractions is the Winnetka Farmers Market. Beginning in June and running through October, local residents as well as those who come from surrounding areas enjoy the unique experience provided every Saturday morning, rain or shine. Traditional farmers, local businesses, special events and other entertainment can be found in this wonderful community event.
The Recognition Luncheon, an annual event honoring local individuals who have made a significant difference in the community, is a fine tradition that has carried on for decades. Taking place at Sunset Ridge Country Club in Northfield, this event is held in April and recognizes those who devote themselves to our communities.
The annual sidewalk sale is another event that brings people into the business districts in the summer months. This complements so many other local events during the summertime hosted by the Villages, Park Districts and other organizations within the three communities. Halloween Hello is a big hit in Glencoe in the fall. The holiday season is filled with tree lighting ceremonies and events like the Red Invitation Sale.
For those who like to network, or just gain some information to help their businesses thrive, the Chamber hosts Business for Breakfast, Let’s Do Lunch and after-hours events throughout the year. Additionally, Maximize Your Membership is an event available to Chamber members with information from experts who can help our businesses with such things as marketing, information technology, employee benefits and other useful topics.
Members who are committed Chamber Ambassadors are available to help integrate businesses into the many things the Chamber has to offer and introduce them to programs and events that can be of specific interest and benefit to them.
I am thankful to be a part of this community and encourage businesses that are not familiar with the Chamber to join us at one of our events. Contact the Chamber office to obtain information or meet one of our dedicated Ambassadors. I am also thankful for all the individuals and families who support this outstanding community by dining at our restaurants, shopping at our stores and doing business locally.
Bill Leske
President Winnetka-Northfield- Glencoe Chamber of Commerce